love you

Sunday 8 January 2012

wish you were here !

rindu , sayang and cinta ? apa to ? bole tolong explain kat aku ? aku selalu dengar benda ny . tapi tak paham langsung ertinye , orang selalu ckp benda ny kat aku . but , at the end orang tinggal aku jugak .  so , apa makna semua ny ? sumpah aku tak paham . TRUE LOVE ? apa itu true love ? cinta sejati katanya ? ada kea true love ? wujud kea ? tayah laa na cari true love ny . nanti true love sendiri akan datang cari kita . itu baru betulbetul TRUE LOVE <3

Sunday 11 December 2011


woot woot ! ada WEDDING :) best gilakk . makan nasi minyakk , lama ta merasaa . bila da merasa mcm nak tambah tapi perut dahh penuhh :) janji dapat merasa :D pengantin nye cute and handsome ! wahhh , gitu ! HAHA :P dekat taman rumah ny , ade 3 wedding tgh on . jalan kat area taman ny SUMPAH SESAK ! hadoyaiii , na buad mcm mana kan . redahh aje ! HAHA :D then , dapat merasa cake pengantin ny . not bad cake nye :) SEDAPP !

Monday 28 November 2011

suda na habis exam !

last paper on THURSDAY . perdagangan 1 , perdagangan 2 and p.seni 2 . hmm , agak sedih lahh na tinggalkan kawan-2 , cikgu-2 , kelas , kantin and TANDAS :D ! nanti aku akan rindu ALIA , FARAHIN , AMZAR , NAD , INTAN , IEYAA , ASRI , SYAHIR and kawan-2 yang lain . hmm , kawan-2 semuanya sporting habis . taley bayangkan mcm mana da habis spm ny ! hadoiii ! teruamanya BFF aku sorang ny ALIA(layer) . seorang yang periang . happy berkawan dengan dea . banyak mulut and kuad bercakap ! :P . Hmm . habis SPM , na pegi melancong . dalam negara jea punns ! HEHE' tapi , tahun depan pulak na pegi PLKN ! aduhhh , mencik ahh ! kalau tak pegi kene denda bayar RM3000 , kalau pegi nanti kene buli . kalau tunda rase rugi . hmmm , pegi jea lahh KAN ? na buad mcm mana . na berkhidmat untuk negara lahh katakan . HAHA' *scary + tak sabar dahh ny . orang ckp , kalau pegi dpt boyfiey baru KAN ? hmm , perlu kea aku pegi semate-mate untuk to ? sama sekali tidak ! biarlah boyfiey yang cari gurlfiey , bukan gurlfiey yang cari boyfiey KAN ? HAHA' pegi jea lahh IEKA ! banyak songeh betol lahh ! HEE :) cukuplahh sampai di sini . taktau na tulis apa dahh .

*untuk kawan-2 , kalau result SPM agak menyedihkan , jangan lah sedih yea . its not the end of the world ! okay :D kita da buad yang terbaek ! so , good luck :D nty kalau terSEREMPAK to , tegur-2 lahh yea :) jangan meyombongkan diri anda yea :D HOPE korang menjadi seorang yang berjaya :) bye ! muahahaha ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿

Layer and Salina

Amzar and Asri

Amzar and Intan

syahir and fakriah

kawan-kawan :D

Thursday 24 November 2011

my Best Friends Forever !
alia sharif 
aku sayang kau , layer !

abang aku yang paling aku sayang
east heike 
adek sayang abang :)

nurul syafiqah bt zol azman .
7teen years old
stay at lumut , perak .
status ? TAKEN :D

best friend forever !

When a friend is going through troubled times, being there to encourage them, even if it's just being a shoulder to cry on or to simply listen, can make all the difference in the world. Even when things are going great, having someone recognize and appreciate your accomplishments can be just as important. With so much emphasis placed on success and accomplishment this in this day and age, having someone to witness your achievements can make even the minor victories meaningful.
Unfortunately, sometimes, loyalty can be tested. We've all had situations where someone we'd consider a true friend has let us down. Friends, even true friends, are still human and because they're human they can make mistakes. Forgiveness is essential in friendships. Accepting a friend even though they may make a mistake shows them that you respect them enough to realize they're human.
No one is perfect. Have you always lived up to your highest potential? Sometimes, we can be the cause of problems that create negative effects for people who were counting on us. Because of this, friendships can be tested. A true friend accepts you, faults and all, though. A genuine friend understands that you make mistakes.
Character is often referred to as a fading quality in today's society, but among friends, it is essential. When you think of a true friend, you expect that they're loyal (and keep things just between friends), but you also want them to be honest. Even if you're doing something wrong, you have to trust your friend to tell you and help you through it. It can be a delicate balancing act between being loyal to a friend and being honest, and perhaps that maybe why good friends are hard to find. But friends that have the courage to tell you when you're wrong, who care enough for you to speak the truth, are genuine friends.
Red Blinking Music Note